BSC Borsdorff Sales Consulting

International Business Development for High Technology Solutions

BSC Drives Growth, Market Awareness, and Revenue Generation in the Following Industries:


  • E-Mobility
  • Recycling Technologies
  • Mechanical Engineering
BSC Dennis Borsdorff Sales Consulting

International Business Development for High Technology Solutions

We let your Solution fly

BSC Borsdorff Sales Consulting - We let your Solution fly

Technical Pre-Sales Service

USP Identification

Identification of Unique Selling Proposition

ICP Creation

Creation of Ideal Customer Profile

Lead Generation

List of Potential Customers

Pitchpoint/Cold Call

Adjusting USP at each individual target customer

Set-Up Videocall

1st visual contact point with pot. customer

Technical Sales Executive Service


Execution of Videocall and handover report to your Engineering/Sales Team

Engineering Consulting

Technical Sales report to your Engineering/Sales Team

Sales Marging Consulting

Advising your Sales team for margin potential from your potential customer

Negotiation Training

Report of benefit analysis of your potential customer

Follow Up until Closing

Friendly persistent follow-ups until converting potential customer

The DACH area (Germany, Austria & Switzerland)


The DACH area (Germany, Austria & Switzerland) has its distinct challenges and opportunities and BSC is fully equipped to assist local clients or from abroad in navigating and thriving within this region. Our comprehensive understanding of local business landscape, coupled with our international experience of industrial, academic and governmental projects, allows us to provide tailored solutions and strategies to ensure our clients´ success in the DACH region. Weather its exploring growth opportunities, establishing market awareness, sharpen your high tech solution to DACH market needs, BSC is dedicated to collaborating with clients to achieve their goals and let your idea fly.

You provide the technology – BSC brings you the customers.

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